So I've been reading some blogs about getting published and it looks like the word on the street is that you definitely need a literary agent. From the little research I've done I'm convinced anyway. I know I want an agent. Without an agent I'm really just floating around at sea. I'm sure that once I get an agent I'll have a million and one things to worry about, and a whole of problems will suddenly appear, but right now I can't even see what those might be. I have one goal, one plan, and that is to get an agent. I feel that if I can get a good agent, I'm on my way to getting published and things will start moving.
So you might have noticed that the steps I've been taking to get published have all got one thing in common. They are all designed to help me attract an agent's attention.
I'm completely confident in my writing. I know no one has had a chance to read Ramona yet because it hasn't been published, but it's a good book. It's a great book. It is worth publishing and it is worth reading. I know this.
But no one else knows it. And the thing I' most afraid of is that no one else will ever know it because it's hard to know much about unpublished books. It's hard enough to know much about published books. They take a lot of time and effort to read and not everyone always has time and effort to give. So I'm trying to help. And that is why I wouldn't for a second consider just sending an agent some sample pages and a covering letter.
Because what if she doesn't read it? Or if she rushes it? Or if she is not in the right mood? It's possible that the agent will look over my application and completely miss the genius. And I only have one chance with each agent so I can't afford for them to miss it. So I created the little brochure to throw in the envelope with the rest of the application. It'll make the application stand out just that little bit more and help the busy agents to see genius where it truly lies. It's the same with the website. The address is there and just maybe they'll take a look. Even if just one agent takes the time to look at the site or the brochure, and they help her to get into the right mood before reading my sample chapters, then all the work will have paid off.
Because right now, the only thing I'm trying to do is get the agents to take a look, grab their interest, because at the end of the day, my book can't talk for itself.